Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Some more Quotes

Don't allow your wounds to transform you into someone you are not ...

The most powerful hallucinogen in this planet is called LOVE !
Highly addictive! You will see and hear things that do not even exists.

Paulo Coelho 

Moments ...

In magic ... and in life....
there is only the present moment, NOW. 
you cant measure the time like the way you measure the distance between two points .
"Time" doesn't pass.
We human beings have the enormous difficulty focusing on the present. 
We are always thinking about what we did.
about how we could have done it better ...
about the consequences of our actions. 
any why we didn't act as we should have.... 

(Paulo Coelho)

Friday, June 8, 2012

Hey Stranger

Hey stranger,
Why is it taking you so long to show up? Anyway I know you’re out there somewhere, probably stuck in traffic or dating some dumb girl that’s not right for you (but will most probably lead you to me) so I just wanted to ask if you’d be ok with the following:

1. I take around 30 minutes to get ready. Even when I say “I'm ready”, I’ll probably need 15 more minutes. Don’t worry, it won’t be a problem when we get married, you can watch TV while I brush my hair.
2. I don’t care much about sports unless it involves hot shirtless men, music and dancing, and a romantic love story (you know, like Glee maybe!).

3. My best friend is your best friend, capiche? Pretend you like her, take her out to dinner if I'm out of town and she's lonely, and don’t get pissed when I tell her we fought yesterday (she knows EVERYTHING).
4. Lose the bulky muscles and the tight tank top. I don’t care how much weight you lift at the gym as long as you make me laugh to tears.
5. When I say I'm fine, I'm either fine or, not fine but don’t want to talk about it (TIP: back off).
6. I don’t want to change, I like myself and if I thought anything was wrong with me I would’ve changed it a long time ago. So please don’t try to change me, don’t let me lose my identity. If you're not willing to take me as I am then maybe you don’t deserve me.

7. I have a job; I can pay for my own meals, shoes, food, and cable. It just feels so good to be taken care of by you. It’s really simple, you scratch my back, I scratch yours. Don’t resent it!
8. There’s that time of month when you don’t want to be remotely close to me. TRUST ME!

9. I'm not a fish; my memory tends to last longer than your average two week period. Don’t blame me for bringing up previous arguments, I forgive you already but I'm just using them to prove a point.
10. I'm not always right. When I'm wrong I’ll admit it.

I gotta go now; maybe I’ll run into you today, but until then expect a letter from me shortly!
Love: your future wife.

PS: took it from some link and couldn't remain without copying it in my blog. 

Mysterious Heart!

If you look closer at that vague and mysterious heart, you’ll notice that although being broken, sad, pessimistic, and dark, it still beats. It still pumps at every breath you take in hopes for another chance at a better life. It still tells a story of its own. It still is a masterpiece that no one can deny. It still knows how to laugh at a good joke, cry at a Jennifer Anniston movie, beat 10 times faster at a kiss from someone special and when get a chance of even have a glance of your beloved one and jump from excitement when spotting a little puppy.

We all have broken hearts, whether the cracks are big, small, visible, invisible, reconcilable, or damaged beyond repair, at the end of the day….
It’s still a Heart!